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哈工大百年校庆全讯600cc大白菜官网系列学术报告之一百三十 全讯800cc大白菜威海校区秦泗甜教授报告通知
发布人:曹美玲  发布时间:2020-12-03   浏览次数:1200


报告题目:Several Neurodynamic Approaches to Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization Problems

报告人:秦泗甜 教授,博士生导师

报告时间:2020/12/04 15:30-16:30


报告摘要:In this talk, I will introduce several neurodynamic approaches to nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems. First, I will introduce the brief history of neurodynamic approach. Then, a neurodynamic approach is presented to solve the pseudoconvex optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints. Some comparisons are also given to shown the superiority of the obtained results. Finally, a novel neurodynamic approach is proposed to nonlinear nonconvex optimization problems with general constraints. Compared with other neurodynamic approach to related optimization problems, the proposed neurodynamic approach has good convergence and does not depend on some additional assumptions, such as the assumption that the inequality feasible region is bounded, the assumption that the penalty parameter is sufficiently large and the assumption that the objective function is lower bounded over the equality feasible region.

报告人简介:秦泗甜,教授,博士生导师。2010年7月获得全讯800cc大白菜基础数学博士学位。现工作于全讯800cc大白菜(威海)理学院数学系,主要研究方向是神经动力学优化方法及其应用。近几年先后主持三项国家自然科学基金,在SCI检索的学术期刊上发表论文40余篇(一作20篇,通讯11篇),其中在中科院一区或本领域top期刊上发表20余篇论文。特别地,已在IEEE Trans.系列汇刊发表长文7篇、短文1篇,最高影响因子为11.683。另外,他还曾担任本领域的8个国际权威学术会议的Publications Chair、12个国际会议的PC Member、1个国际会议的Special Sessions Chair和1个国际会议的Program Chair,主持4个国际学术会议的小组报告。他还应邀先后四次前往香港中文大学、香港理工大学、香港城市大学进行学术访问。